Will this sound bar work with this TV?

14 Nov 2014
So i'm a complete noob when it comes to sound bars. I've never used one and therefore have no idea how they hook up to a TV. I wanted to get my mum one for her birthday and wondered if i'd be able to hook one up to her TV. Here's a link to all the ports on her TV http://imgur.com/bguPQjG. And here's a link to the sound bar I was thinking about getting her http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00I98DHW8/ref=ord_cart_shr?.... If anyone can help me out i'd be super appreciative.

Many thanks.

It's actually really simple to connect; and you can probably do it for £4-£5. But there's something you need to check first...

Thank you so much for the detailed reply. Yes the TV is probably about 4 years old now which is why is the technology seems so dated.

She only really uses the Tivo box so while the SCART method could well be possible it's not really necessary. I think the best way would be to hook the sound bar up to the Tivo box. I've made a little picture just to make sure this is correct before I buy the sound bar http://imgur.com/MyjPeCp. If I buy the cable to hook these two up I assume I plug each end into the areas I've marked out, then all should be good?

I apologies for the extremely nooby questions I've just never used a sound bar before and want to make sure it will work before I buy one.

Thank you so much for your and everyone else's help.
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