will this work ok

4 Dec 2007
i have a jammo dvd player with a built in amp and 5.1 speakers.i am thinking of getting an asus zonar sound card.if i connect the two via an optical cable will i get surrond sound in games.i have been reading on here and looking around for some 5.1 speakers and it hit me that i had this jammo sitting around doing nothing.when i used it to watch films it had a great sound and if all works out i think games will sound great.ps it has a built in dolby digital and dts decoder if it makes any differance.cheers for any help.

can no one help with this as i want to order the xonar soundcard on monday and if you guys dont think the jamo home cinema set up will work as a games surround sound system i shall have to order a set of 5.1 speakers aswell...thanks
In theory I imagine it'd work, but you wont know unless you try I guess.

Personally, I'd test out the optical cable first before purchasing the 5.1s.
thanks for that .i shall go ahead and order the soundcard and give it a try.i hope it works as the jamo sounded realy good when i used it for films.its three years old now but i think it could match all but the best pc surround set ups.the sub and the saterlites seem to blend perfectly.
Do you still have the manual? It might be worth flicking through it to see if it mentions anything about what you want to do.
i keep them all and i spent an hour looking for it tonight before i posted on here.but as i said its 3 years old and my fileing system isnt up to much.in truth i probably spent 10 mins looking and 50 looking at all the other crap i came across looking for it...
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