Willing to pay £260 for a mouse mat?

TONY said:
It does look good but not good enough to justifiy that money.
Not possible by any stretch of the imagination. It does only a slightly better job than the desk which sits beneath it. Heck, the epoxy finish looks rather shiny. It probably doesn't outperform having no mouse pad at all.

EDIT: There, I saved you 240 quid. And that's from a web site that used comic sans for menus. :p
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I actually prefer the cheaper £250 one, but don't like either of them as much as my Icemat.
It looks all nice and shiny but given that I have never spent any money on mousemats and just use the desk most of the time I can't see myself breaking the habit of a lifetime and spending £260 on one now.
An absolute snip at the price - if they haven't sold out I've got to get me one of those.

Maybe ;)

// EDIT //

I'll have to get one of these as well, if only because it comes in a custom shaped dense foam bed presented in a luxury matt black box subtly highlighted with the F1 Formula 1 logo. Gosh!
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I carnt belive I just saw that, I love motor racing and F1 is great but please who in there right mind would really spend that kinda money on a mouse mat?

The really sad bit is some dude has been paid to research and market this product as a job, I wonder what drugs he was on whilst doing this job cos I want me some if there that good.
BillytheImpaler said:
Heck, the epoxy finish looks rather shiny. It probably doesn't outperform having no mouse pad at all.

Its not going to be an especially good mouse mat, whats the point of carbon if its topped with epoxy anyway, it'd be too rough from the weave otherwise but why use carbon then since it has no great need for strength or lightness.
The more expensive one has leather over the top, so high friction and even more crap to use

Iam not against rich plebs generally but that is pointless, use it as an indestructible frisbee maybe
A.N.Other said:
An absolute snip at the price - if they haven't sold out I've got to get me one of those.

Maybe ;)

// EDIT //

I'll have to get one of these as well, if only because it comes in a custom shaped dense foam bed presented in a luxury matt black box subtly highlighted with the F1 Formula 1 logo. Gosh!

WOW could use that to spruce up the look of my MkI Fiesta :D
*almost speechless*

i may not have much of an education, i may have a criminal record but i'm not dumb enough to pay that and i'm not immoral enough to charge that.
Balls that !, £1.99 and a trip to your local branch of stationary shop, and youve got your self TWO A2 mousmats, in Red, Blue or frosted clear !!
"Presented in a luxury matt black box subtly highlighted with the F1™ Formula 1 logo." :cool:


That box has to be worth £200 on it's own!!! :eek:


I just noticed that it doesn't even work with an optical mouse! :D

F1 Mat said:
Note - suitable for a ball-operated mouse only. See Carbon/Leather mouse mat for optical mouse compatibility
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Hmmm why is it they always say stupid things to describe something, its such a waste of money its unbeleivable and they make out like its worth £250 for a crappy mouse mat lol :D. Oh well someone somewhere will buy one i guess just not me :P besides i use a laser mouse :(
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