I've finally got around to tidying my front garden and now to tackle my back garden - which I intend to turn a section into a salad garden.
I am VERY limited on budget so I'm looking this:
One maybe 2 of them for my pak choi and non deep rooted vegs. Anyone got one or tried it before? My thought is, as I'm doing my garden lawn, bordering about 1 foot away from the fencing for easy mowing. What if I cut the bottom of the bag and use the willow planter as a raised bed plotted directly over my dug up lawn border? Maybe anchored down with some wood pole?
Would that work or a bad idea?
I'm very 'green' (horn as opposed to thumb) to gardening and this will be my first real attempt at growing in my own garden. Thanks.
I am VERY limited on budget so I'm looking this:
One maybe 2 of them for my pak choi and non deep rooted vegs. Anyone got one or tried it before? My thought is, as I'm doing my garden lawn, bordering about 1 foot away from the fencing for easy mowing. What if I cut the bottom of the bag and use the willow planter as a raised bed plotted directly over my dug up lawn border? Maybe anchored down with some wood pole?
Would that work or a bad idea?
I'm very 'green' (horn as opposed to thumb) to gardening and this will be my first real attempt at growing in my own garden. Thanks.