Win 10: How to rename drives?

14 Apr 2004
I've removed a couple of folders and moved the target to drives.

F:\ is named Downloads but it doesn't appear as downloads in explorer quick links.

Any ideas?
The drive is already renamed but still appears as drive letter in explorer sidebar as per screen.

After you right click on the drive itself, select rename, give it a new name, "fred" for example.

Close and re-open file explorer and hey presto:


Edit: I may have missed the point of what you were trying to achieve but this may still work with a repurposed drive. Try renaming the drive in this method and see if it works.
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I should have elaborated, I only installed Win10 on my SDD, so dropped all my existing data onto other hard drives.

E.g. I dumped my docs onto a drive, then I moved the target of my docs to the new drive. Whilst it renames, it doesn't change it in quick access as per screenshot - it appears as letter but further down you can view the name.

Quick Access doesn't update automatically. You can right click the D drive in quick access to unpin it, then click the renamed drive under this PC, and re-pin it to quick access to update the name.
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