Win 10 Pro NAS file copy issue

20 Feb 2009
Not where I'd like to be

The other day I decided to do a fresh install of Windows and upgraded from Home to Pro. The issue I now have wasn't present on Win 10 Home and I'm hoping one of you smart people can tell me that I'm missing something obvious.

I have a Synology NAS and I've mapped some drives and I can copy files to the NAS without an issue but when I try to copy a file from the NAS to my C drive, the only drive I currently have installed as I'm waiting for a NVME drive to arrive, I get the following error. If anyone can point me in the right direction I'll be most grateful. I don't fancy reinstalling Windows 10 Home to sort this but if that turns out to be my only option I may have to do so.

Remap the drives, could just be that the stored passwords for the map disappeared in the upgrade.
No, that hasn't worked. When I do try to copy from the NAS to the C: drive, Windows brings up a box saying I need to provide admin permission to copy then it gives the error. This is to the root of C:. I just discovered that if I try to copy to a folder on the C: drive it works fine.

If that's how it stays I can live with that but it is a bit strange.
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