Win 10 Update

10 Jun 2009

I’ve done a clean install of windows onto my new htpc.

when I’ve ran windows update it’s failing on installing the new feature pack 20H2 I believe it is.

I’m getting this error code 0x80004005

any ideas what I need to do? I’ve followed a guide I found on the net and it didn’t help.

thanks in advance
What source did you use to do the clean install? I'm guessing it's an old 20H1 build. It would probably be easier just to download the latest version of Windows (21H1 currently) and do a clean install of that.
Its an old official win 10 usb drive I bought from OCUK many moons ago. Ive always had no issues using it in the past as its just updated but this time no dice. I was gifted a 7700k system and was wanting to get it up and running. I will try and get hold of the 21h1 version. I take it I can get it from microsoft?
I've just got this exact same issue and tried everything I've seen online. My current PC crashed on booting into windows then refused to boot. Tried to repair but no dice so did a clean install from my original Win 10 USB i bought with my components from OCUK a few years ago. New install updates a few updates but fails on 20H2 with the same error message as the OP.

Will try the download from MS but did this work for the OP?
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