win 8.1 to win 10 or dual boot?

2 Jan 2005
yeah i'm still using win 8.1 (with classic shell of course), but now cyberpunk 2077 is going to be dx12 only i'm going to need to change :(

I'm happy with 8.1 and i have a lot of apps/games installed and running fine.
So my question is whether i take the risk and upgrade, and hope everything works, or partition and dual boot since i really only want win 10 for the dx 12 support in certain games.

so what do you think?
Is the upgrade worth the risk or dual boot the way to go.

Also, i assume i will have to buy a win 10 key for dual booting (they are cheap so not a problem).
Hi how did your upgrade go, I'm thinking of doing the same jump from 8.1, did you reuse your key? Where to get win 10 iso?

not done it yet - there aren't actually any win 10 games i want yet, but horizon zero dawn is one so it will have to be soon.

I'm angling towards just dual booting - looks easy and i really only need win 10 for dx12, there's nothing else it does that i particularly want or need.
I got the iso from the microsoft site so have it on usb now - just not actually used it yet.
well, ive done it - dual booted - pretty simple.
My win 8 key activated win 10 fine.
Messing around with win 10 a little - irritating that they have moved things around again and had to search to change a few simple settings, but i'm happy.
I won't be using it until there are any win 10 only games i actually want to play.
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