Win to LIN / Domains / File access etc etc

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Ok, where do I start? I will try to be as basic as I can cos Im confused enough.

Ok, first off, my daughters PC is now Mint 10

I try to acces some files that are on my PC ( Win7 / 64 ) with her PC, and I see the workgroup there, I open that and I see the PCs and the NAS just fine, and thats great, but then I get asked for the User Name, Domain, and Password, however I have no domains, and there is no way around having to enter something.

I have tried a few thigns such as using the user name of me from the PC, the Admin, the user name of my daughters account on Linux, the Network name and a few other ridiculous things in the vain hope, but nothing.

So, right now, I cannot get her PC to access my PC's files, so thats one issue.

Secondly, I have setup a test PC, again using Linux Mint 10.

I have setup a shared folder with SAMBA.

I have then tried using a Vista64 PC to access the files there. Job done.

I have created a simple text file, I then did some tests and I have it seems full access to the file from my Vista64PC. I am assuming that I will have access to this folder from any other Windows PC.

However... I cannot.

I looked on this test sever at the file and it has a lock on it.

I looked in SAMBA and the entire folder is indeed shared and has full read and write access assinged to it.

I then went to my main Win7/64 PC and again I can see this file I made but I cannot access it.

I can however create and access my own files.

So, its clear that each PC has access to its own files but no other files.

What am I missing to correct this?
Done some more piddling about

Im tryign to get the Linux PC to access the printer thats on the Win7 PC

Not able to see it.

However I have full access to PCs with Vista or XP64

Its only the Win 7 PCs that are buggers
Its probably all about the permissions.

I've had my home network setup several ways over the years, I used to create mirrored linux accounts on the linux boxes that matched the appropriate windows accounts but thats a bit of a faff.

Now what I have is a shared drive on my linux file server and all the windows PCs use the files servers default username and password fo access that (remember to tick remember password), (plus its mapped on all the windows boxes).

The other thing I've done (which is probably massively insecure) is in my linux box i've as root done: chmod 777 -R /mnt/MyDataFolder this will recursively give all files/ folders in /mnt/MyDataFolder access permissions for anyone to do anything.

Good luck,

Of course it is, but Im still unable to get my thumb out of my aaaa.....

So, in the present situation, the Linux Server is now setup, when using Vista, XP, or Linux, I now have full access to the Linux Server from those PCs, I also have full access to the other PCs from the Server too.

The Win7 PC I now have access to the Server, and I can now both read and write to the file I mentioned previously, plus, I have just copied a load of Media files and Documents of various sizes to the Linux Server, plus I seem to have full access to them from the Vista and XP Server.


I still cannot get past this problem of getting the Linux PC to access the Windows 7 PC.

At this moment, that seems to be the only issue I have.

I am trying to share the Printer. The Printer is connected to the Win7 PC
It seems that whether I try connecting with any way, I either need a domain, or when I try teh samba config program, the password is rejected.

The password is a single word in lowercase, although my name is 2 words with a space.

Im really peeved now, but I do seem to take one step forward every so often.

Well at least it sounds like you are 90% of the way there. How is your file sharing set up on your windows 7 box? If I remember correctly I just shared my W7 main desktops entire data drive using the advanced sharing option. Within the permissions bit I enabled read, write and execute permissions for everyone and my linux box can access it fine.

Another thought for you, do you have the winbind service installed and enabled on the linux boxes? Without it, Samba and windows can be more than a little bit uncommunicative.

To be honest with you, although I'm pretty happy on most of this stuff a lot of my learning has been trial and error as I'm most definately not a Linux guru. So if I can work this stuff out with my very small brain then anyone can :-)

Good luck,

Another thought, try disabling all firewall type programms on your W7 box then try. Maybe its a port or something that needs opening?
Hmm... Perhaps?

Its definitely an issue with the one Win7 box now.

I have done loads of messing about an I have full access to all PCs no matter what O/S but not to the Win7 Box.

I have thrown another HD into my daughters PC and I am piddling about with Vista 64 again on it... and I have been able to add the printer this time round, but I still cannot access the files?

I have had a look at the home networking stuff and I have swapped some thigns over and I had to log off to apply them, so, later on today I will go back to my own Test Linux Server and see what I can do with that, but as thigns are, my daughter would much prefer access to my printer and put up with Windows, than use Linux and have no printer, although I have a sneaky feeling that because I changed the network setting about now, it may be useable with Linux again, in which case I will just swap the Hds over.

I have also done a load of sodding about with the Win7 PC too, I have to admit and I have had a load of different routers connected to it, plus a number of various USB and PCI wireless devices, and so my network garb might be all over the shop anyway, and Im 50-50 on a fresh install too, so that would possibly help out ?

See what gives.

Thanks for the into etc.
Ok, not entirely sure as to what I have done, but I was looking at my network from the Win7 PC and I was looking at how VMWare has given me 2 more networks, I was also looking at how I have used a number of vearious devices like PCI and USB Network devices for piddling with wireless, plus I was trying out a few other things like Routers and such like over the past few months, and I thought that maybe there might be something there.

I mean...

Access to this PC I dont often need, and this PC talks just fine to the Server, so the issue might have been present for a while.

Anway, I have uninstalled VMWare and removed all traces of any netweork devices that I could find, and then I restarted the PCand viola! - instant fix.

So yeah, dont know why, and right now I dont particularly care how either, but its now working.

My test Linux Server is also fine too.

What I am going to do, is set this Libnux Server up, along side the windows one. I will then turn teh Windows one into a dummy thats simply a fileserver to teh Linux one and once I am happy, I will move the Windows files over to the Linux Server.

Thanks guys.
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