win10 tablet screen not auto rotating

28 Aug 2013
Ive got a linx 10 tablet this this thing is driving Me insain, and the screen is not autoroating its suck on portrate mode, wonder if anybody can Tel me how to get it to AutoRoute please.

Else it will get treatment from a very large hammer soon.

Thank you very much.
have you updated to w10 and have the rotation lock on in the action centre bar thing you can slide out from swiping in from the right?
Had a look there I can't see any rotation lock on the slide out thing on the right?
I upgraded from 8 to 10 its upto date on windows btw
Thank you
I assume you have it in 'tablet mode' mine has the 'rotation lock' icon next to that. If you go into the 'All Settings' option which hopefully is in your slide out bar from the right, then go into System, then 'Notifications & actions', then under 'Quick actions'. You can change what your Quick Action buttons are which relate to the top row of buttons in the group of buttons at the bottom of that right hand slide out bar. One of the Quick Action buttons you can select in the System window is for 'Rotation lock'.
I just cannot see auto rotation. Anywhere there I have tablet mode selected honestly there is no auto rotation anywhere

Getting my very big hammer ready )
I even have the same tablet...

You should be able to click one of the quick action icons in the settings screen and then pick rotation lock from the list of options.

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I have the Stream 7 tablet, when I updated to Windows 10 the auto rotate stopped working, I (after reading a few threads on 'other' forums :eek: ) found out that I had to download the driver for Windows 8.1 from HP's website for the Screen, as Windows 10 doesn't install the driver by default!! and install it!!

My Stream 7 now auto-rotates just like it did before!! :cool:
I have the same Linx 10 tablet as the OP and mine didn't require any additional drivers, W10 upgrade took care of it.
Got very very close to flattening this tablet into a million pieces, will give it one more chance then its toast, wild report back if I have success

Thank you so much for helping me
This tablet has 1 more hours of my attention before it gets flattened I did upgrade from 8 to 10 btw

There was nothing wrong with win2.1 in the first place, smiley face
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When I upgraded my Linx 10 tablet to W10 it too had rotation issues. But I finally figured out that it was a utility that I had installed which turned certain telemetry data off and other stuff. Not sure why that should have caused the issue but out of desperation I unticked the options within it and rebooted and then the tablet started rotating again.!
Ha ha,
Yes I know, I got serious health problem doing things like this is extremely hard for me, but keeps me going.

So you've not got 'rotation lock' in this settings screen then, like the pic I've posted below?

I've looked through windows update history and don't have any record of a driver coming down from MS so I'm pretty sure w10 configured things with the rotation.

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