WinAmp + iPod

21 Apr 2004
Southampton University
Whenever I try and use Autofill to add any recent additions to my library to my iPod, it always seems to remove about the same, if not more songs than it puts on.

For example, I added another 3 albums to my collection last night, and just went to add them to my iPod.

Press Autofill...

'This will add 43 tracks and remove 285 tracks'

Why? It's not like the iPod is full up or anything. It also doesn't show what it's removing.

Anyone able to help?
Which version of Winamp have you got? If its one of the later ones with the presupplied iPod plugin I'd get rid of it. It is crap, I hated it. I just downloaded the ml_ipod plugin, which ironically the plugin Winamp supply is based on.

I've no problems with my iPod in Winamp using the ml_ipod plugin. Let me know the version stuff etc and I'll see if I can help.
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