Winamp question

18 Oct 2002
For a long time i have use WMP and had no problems but thought i would take another look at winamp,
As standard WMP has a toolbar that you can turn on so when you minimize the player it turns into a little player on the taskbar which i am sure you know,
the feature i like with this is the ability to have the video window stand up from this just a couple inches square and stay on top of other windows,
i use it a lot with videos playing while im working.
Does anyone now if there is a feature in or a plug in avaliable to do the same with winamp?
if not then im not even going to bother with the insatll.
After a little experimenting, i think you can do something quite similar. Without a plugin, you can't put Winamp into your taskbar, but it can stretch itself along the top or bottom of your screen and displace any programs, so if you were to fullscreen firefox, the winamp bar would still be there. You can also detatch the video window, resize it and set it to "always on top" where it will sit nicely in the corner (or wherever you put it)

It's effectively the same thing... but a bit more fiddly. Winamp 5 is a much better player than WMP imo, but it takes a bit of patience and adjustment. I'd recommend you try it and see.
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