Wind/One/eeePC from US?

25 Jul 2003
My parents are going to the US in a couple of weeks, and Id like a Wind/One/xxx? Are these likely to be available it actually released at all, and would there be any problems/pitfalls to avoid when buying one and bring it back over here? Also which one would people recommend for simple browsing/reading lots of pdf's/docs and bit of office work?

Thanks for any help.
Well it'll have a US keyboard and power adaptor. That alone would put me off (honestly... the @ symbol is shift-2. Huh?)

Most if not all computer psu's are dual voltage these days so all that is needed is an adapter or a different cable with a uk plug. The only downside is the warranty as the keyboard thing isnt really a big deal. The wind is significantly cheaper in the USA and id dare say you could by a UK keyboard later for peanuts and replce it like u can with any other laptop if you really dont like the US layout.

So is it a relatively easy thing to change a keyboard? Does anyone have any idea on where my folks could buy one of these? Theyre visiting Chicago and St Louis?
So is it a relatively easy thing to change a keyboard? Does anyone have any idea on where my folks could buy one of these? Theyre visiting Chicago and St Louis?

Could try either a Best Buy or Fry's, you might have some luck with Walmart/Target but they only have small laptop sections.
Of course, there's also the issue of whether you're going to give your parents the VAT and ask them to go through the red channel (plus also compensate them for any VAT duty they then have to pay on anything else they've bought that was normally duty free ... once you're over the limit duty etc is payable on everythinbg!) .... or are you going to ask them to risk obtaining a criminal record!
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