Window size bug oddity/whats special about these numbers

18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
Just a bit of a strange one, just to see if anyone can see anything odd about a specific set of values that seem to cause an issue with a piece of software I use, and I wonder if anyone can see anything in these numbers that might be significant, its not important as I have a work around, its just 'bugging' me so to speak.

I use a piece of software specific to the industry I am in, I believe it is probably written in one of the dot .net languages, I believe by a one man band. This software uses a key to authenticate and it does appear to phone home (to check for updates lately) , but it doesn't 'activate' in the same way as some stuff does, If you have a valid key, it does unlock the level you have paid for, regardless of internet connection.

In the title bar, it displays as well as the program name, the level that's unlocked as well as the registered user name. Now I've had a few instances where it would drop down a level and display an empty space for the user name. I'd Uninstall, re-install, it would be find, try and restore my configuration settings (directory full of config files) and it'll fail again, so I'd re-create the config from scratch and it would be fine.

Did it again today and did some digging and found which file it was in the config directory that was doing it, so at least now I can have a good version of that, and can fix the problem. Now the file was just a text file and it contained five numerical values on separate lines. Some poking around and it seemed that these were simply the window sizes from when it was last closed. width, height, x position, y position, and window state (full screen, minimised etc). Changing either of the width or height (even by 1 pixel - either direction), or forcing the window state to full screen would clear the problem, changing the position did nothing.

Back in the program, I then found that if I started it with the problem values, then resized the window that the issue would instantly clear, I imagine if I could get it back to exactly the same size it would re-occur, but I could not test this.

I went to another machine that had had the problem a while ago, and I'd saved the faulty config, now I found the relevant file, and could cause the issue on that machine, but the values where different, and the values that cause issue on that machine don't do it on this machine and vice versa.

Display setup is different, the first machine is dual monitor 1920x1200 and the problem window size is 1288x746. The second machine is 1920x1080 single screen and problem window size is 1174x726 . Changing the screen res on the first machine and disabling second screen didn't change the situation, so maybe the screen res is a red herring.

I'm going to send a bug report in on Monday, but I just thought I'd post the numbers here to see if anything jumps out at anyone, if anyone goes "Ah, A added to B is C, and that'll overflow a D datatype" or anything
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