Window Tints

28 Jan 2005
hi all i am thinking of getting my rear windows tinted, i was woundering what the laws are on this, also i havent really got 200 quid to spend on them i have seen some cheaper DIY kits on ebay has anyone hade any experience of these if they any good?

You can do whatever you want on the rear windows, limo tint is legal (no different from driving a van I guess).

The law now states that you can't tint the front windows however although off the record most police aren't bothered about light front tints (I've never once been stopped in over 3 years)

If you haven't got £200 to spend on tints then I'd recommend saving up until you have. It's a nightmare of a job to do and best left to the professionals IMO. I tried to do my T-bar glass a while back and made a complete mess of it, waste of £20 worth of tinting film.
The front windscreen and front windows can be tinted but they must still allow 75% of the light to pass through and the rear must allow 25% if I remeber correctly.

Edit - and the do it yourself ones really do look crap
Nazbit said:
The front windscreen and front windows can be tinted but they must still allow 75% of the light to pass through and the rear must allow 25% if I remeber correctly.

True, the fronts *can* be tinted but you have to remember that most windows are already tinted to something like 78% so good luck trying to find a 3% window tint to keep it legal!

As I've said, the rears don't have a limit as effectively it just makes your car like a van.
Road Vehicles (Construction & Use) Regulations 1986 as amended specify the minimum levls of light that must pass through the windscreen and front side windows. The limits are:

Motor Vehicles first used before 1 April 1985
The windscreen and front side windows must allow at least 70% of light to be transmitted through them.

Motor Vehicles first used on or after 1 April 1985
The light transmitted through the windscreen must be at least 75%. The front side windows must allow at least 70% of light to be transmitted through them

If the glass is tinted to a point whereby it lets through less light, then the vehicle does not meet legal requirements.

Stiiiiicky. ;)
I DIY'd my front windows, there were no bubbles what so ever. The only mistake i made was to use too much fairy liquid in the applicator, so the film was never 100% stuck to the window, cost me a tenner but i ripped them out as Local Police were having a crack down on them.

Its fine to DIY as long as you have patience, and be able to take the window out.

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