Window update drivers or brand drivers or OEM drivers

12 May 2011
I've upgraded my pc with a new SSD and I'm taking the opportunity to do a clean install of Windows.

I have an Asus x470 prime pro.

I've just finished installing windows and usually I would hit Get Updates to get all the windows updates first. Including optional drivers which usually includes chipset-y things like usb drivers.

or is it better to download the Asus x470 prime pro chipset driver.

or is it better to get the most latest chipset driver from AMD?

same for audio drivers and realtek ethernet etc
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I install drivers from Windows Update first, then fill in any which Windows Update didn't find, usually Storage Controllers, Bluetooth or Sound.

I don't worry about needing to have the latest OEM driver unless I notice a Windows stability or performance issue.

The way I like to install Windows, at OOBE, enter Audit Mode (CTRL+SHIFT+F3), install drivers and core apps then restart to OOBE.

Once I'm happy with the installed drivers I run this powershell script to backup the drivers for a future reinstall. The scripts creates a folder in C:\Drivers\%Model% and creates a zipped file

Export-WindowsDriver -Destination "C:\Drivers\$((Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem).Model)" -Online
$source = "C:\Drivers\$((Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem).Model)"
$destination = "C:\Drivers\$((Get-WmiObject -Class win32_computersystem).Model).zip"
Add-Type -assembly ""
[io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory($Source, $destination)
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