Windows 10 Home crashing Intel NUC when not connected to the internet?

1 Apr 2014
I built an Intel NUC from OCUK for my mother for Christmas. It runs Windows 10 Home and Office 2003, and assorted utilities. But it keeps crashing. Investigating the Event Logs seemed to indicate that it was the Connected User Experience service causing the crashes, because it was crashing when not connected to the internet. After I connected the PC to the internet it was good as gold. Has anyone else seen this? I've disabled the CUE service, but this has not resolved the issue. The internet connection is wifi and the PC is sufficiently far away that the connection can drop. My mother isn't bothered about the lack of internet - she uses her iPad for that. One further thing is that the NUC is not reconnecting to the wifi automatically even though I have set it to do just that. The wifi is from a BT Homehub.

Has anyone else seen similar?
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