Windows 10 - Viewing and Editing RAW

27 Dec 2011
Hi guys,

Probably the wrong place to ask as I imagine most of you have dedicated software for editing photos, however I'll ask anyway: When I pull a raw file into the standard Windows image viewer/editor it changes the photo and makes it look harsh. I think Windows struggles to view it as a RAW file and attempts to change it to JPEG.

Any idea how I can just edit RAW in Windows?


Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Not sure why you would need to shoot RAW if you don't use dedicated software for editing photos... I think most would use Adobe Camera Raw or Capture One to decode RAW files. RawDigger is also a nice option to see the "original" state of the RAW file.

I may want to edit them in the future when I do have dedicated software, and I'd rather not shoot RAW and JPEG as I can't be bothered to a) store them both and b) sift through them when I'm viewing photos.

Will try those suggestions, cheers.
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