Windows 11 not automatically updating.

13 Jul 2005
Anyone else having this? It stopped automatically updating about a month ago, I have to manually check for updates.
I usually find the opposite issue with Windows 11 .

Have you checked you haven't accidentally disabled it in the settings, or changed the schedule?
A long shot but check you haven't accidently set your network connection set as a metered connection, I did this once and by default Windows Update doesn't check for updates on a metered connection
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First thing you probably want to check is when was the last time it checked for updates, assuming you've not run a manual check today type 'Get-WindowsUpdateLog' into a powershell window and that will save a log to your desktop. Open the log and scroll down to the bottom where it should have today's date, i say should as Windows should/normally checks for updates daily so there should be timestamps shortly after you first booted up this morning.
A long shot but check you haven't accidently set your network connection set as a metered connection, I did this once and by default Windows Update doesn't check for updates on a metered connection
I did have a check but it's not on a metered connection.

First thing you probably want to check is when was the last time it checked for updates, assuming you've not run a manual check today type 'Get-WindowsUpdateLog' into a powershell window and that will save a log to your desktop. Open the log and scroll down to the bottom where it should have today's date, i say should as Windows should/normally checks for updates daily so there should be timestamps shortly after you first booted up this morning.
Thanks will have a look at that. Last time I did a manual check was on the 26th December.
Used powershell after reading everything it looked like it was updating and removing updates. I checked one last time and this time it actually said it had checked for updates.
A long shot but check you haven't accidently set your network connection set as a metered connection, I did this once and by default Windows Update doesn't check for updates on a metered connection

I did this once as it was killing my crappy internet connection when I was trying to work during the day, downloading updates.

Forgot about it, then tried installing Forza 5 a year later, which would only download at about 90kb/sec on my new 900mb line.

Turns out, the MS store also gets throttled if you turn metered connection on!
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