Windows 11 updating drivers and bios through Windows update

22 Sep 2017
Having just acquired an Asus Helios gaming laptop this is my first experience of Windows 11, having used 10 up to now.

The laptop revision first appeared Jan 2024 and my bios is on 1.6 which seems to date from May 24. So I'd assume all my asus drivers are also from around that time.

Running Windows update I was shocked to see a long list of available updates to drivers and the bios update I am being offered pre dates what I have !!!

That makes me very nervous about applying any driver updates just in case it's forcing older versions on me. Why is Microsoft offering this when it can't even get the basics right offering me an old bios!?

Is there anyway to stop win 11 offering driver updates? It was an option in Windows 10. Also there's no description with each driver update so I've no idea what it relates to.
22 Sep 2017
No, it's not dead. But expecting Windows of any description to offer driver or god forbid Bios updates says to me that that you are certainly brain dead . You joined in 2017......................................have you not read any thread on here since?
Yep joined in 2017...but didn't need help with win 11 until now cuz as my post explains I've just got a new laptop. Didn't need any advice in those intervening years so didn't post any unnecessary dribble. 'Brain dead?" More like a case of pot calling kettle black. Cheers
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