Windows 2004

28 May 2007
Saturn’s moon Titan
has anyone had any lockup’s since installing my doom 2016 has started to lockup. Tried different drivers to no avail.
Had no issues at work with it and been using it for over a month, PC at home still won't update to it as 'it's not ready yet'
Don’t remember getting any lockup’s before the update it’s 8 pack 5.1 ghz bundle I have .
Yea. It wont be windows locking up but your overclock.

Yep, same here, despite having been stable for months if not years I had to put another +0.005v onto my vcore after installing 2004 as I was getting all sorts of random hangs / crashes etc. As soon as I dumped a little bit more voltage in, all the problems went away.

I've had it once before in exactly the same situation on another of the massive windows 10 updates but I can't remember which version number it was. Oddly some seem absoultely fine, but this is the second one that seemingly reduced my otherwise perfectly stable system to its knees.
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