ns400r said:
I dont use a WebCam. I have a life. I would rather speak to a person than a screen... Thats what downloading porn is for... Then I can look at someone's face on the Monitor and I can talk to it then, but other than that... No, I dont use a webcam.
ns400r said:
And I have a TV too!
ns400r said:
Voted as one of the most useless pieces of hardware that anyone will have.
When I realised my scanner was not XP64 compatible, I realised that when I upped to SP2 in XP Pro, I also lost the use of that scanner too... So what I thought... Here we go again.
Its my own fault... Cheap and nasty scanner, you get cheap and nasty support.
Besides, I was given all my scanners so I cant really say bugger all, as the only scannign I have done, is for backing up my covers ( 3 kids = chewed corners )
Seriously though, yes, those 3 do indeed need a lot of work in the driver area for them... I have a few TV cards ( pinnacle, Happauge, Kobian/Mercury ) and to be honest, I dont think that there are drivers for them, although I have not really bothered to look to be honest )
You must remember, that XP64 isnt really intended for a Home user, so a TV card isnt high on MS's TO-DO List, similarly for scanning... There is no real benefit for professional users to upgrade to XP64 at all unless they want the power it can give them.
Hang on, thats not how I mean it...
What I mean, is that there is no need to go for XP64 unless you need the power it has over standard XP, and if oyu need that power of 64 over the stock XP, then you are unlikely to also need it to watch TV... For that you have stock XP... XP64 is, as I said, not a home O/S but rather a Pro one, and if oyu are a pro, then you are probably NOT using cheap and nasty hardware, and therefore, you will have drivers or there will probably be drivers available for your hardware.
Can you see what I am tryign to say?