Windows 7 on 2003 Domain:

31 May 2005
Hi all, i'm just wondering if any admins are using Windows 7 on a 2003 domain with RSAT tools?

If so with how much success, any issues you have come across?
Yup, yup, fine, none :)

Only been running it for a week or so mind, but all the tools work properly and no issues with joining the domain, policies etc
Oh ok thats good to hear. I'm asking as for some reason I can't connect using the DHCP console to any DHCP servers, I can list them and authorise them etc, but not actually view any scopes.

Also, if I do an RSOP against my account I cannot see any domain groups, out login scripts etc check for global group membership and so they don't work. Just curious really.

There are no errors in the event log or gp logs

Other admin tools work fine, and access to shares etc is fine. Just the two weird issues above.

Will perhaps have another look tomorrow
Only thing I couldn't get to work on 64 Win 7 was ESM 2003, but that was a while ago so I don't know if they managed to fix it.

Heck even Avaya site administration worked
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