Windows 8 2012

I see by this site HERE that Microsoft are to release Windows 8 in 2012. It's near the bottom on the right hand side.:eek:

yep 3 year cycle, it has always been the case. Until vista was delayed.

windows 95 - 1995
Windows 98 - 1998
windows xp - 2001
Vista - 2006
W7 - 2009
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Well I'm sure Microsoft have a clear road map going forward like any other major project development, so a 3 to 4 year gap between each release isn't really surprising to be honest.
It will make some people wonder if it is really worth upgrading to Win 7. If your looking to get a new system in a year or too, then it wont be worth it.:rolleyes:
I wish MS would put windows on the unix kernel like apple did with OS X.

A. Cause massive compatibility issues.
B. It would, potentially, make the kernel open source which would be a nightmare. There's already to many variants of unix around and this would confuse people even more.
C. What would be the point? I can think of no benefits what so ever to having a linux kernel or there own purpose made one - they've spent many years and millions of pounds on there own kernels so why change now?

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