Windows 8 cant start - blank screen

7 Apr 2008
Lorville - Hurston
Hi. i have installed win8 on a dell xps 15 inch laptop and from today it wont load properly.

the bios boot screen come sup fine then after just a blank screen.

tried taking out the battery, starting multiple times and even hitting F8 and still same problem

I tried booting using win 8 upgrade OS ISO i made on a USB and what happens is that the win 8 blue logo appears in a blank background and then after a few minutes it disappears and i am left again with a blank screen?

any reason why?

Thanks all
im guess u got a intel 3000 gpu?

when it goes black screen close the screen lid then open it again. u may need to press a key after..

my gaming laptop does that.
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edit: when i try to boot up from win 8 install ISO. after like 10mins of the blank screen, this appears for a split second:


i am not sure what the actual error is but a blue screen with the large text appears along with that face for a split second.

dont know the exact error that it says on my screen as the screen dissapears too quickly
is my hdd screwed? afetr it taking a blooming age to get to the screen on win 7 setup for me to select teh drives i want to partition, i decided to reboot and restart again.

After booting up i now get this error:

SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk
WARNING: Immediately back-up your data and replace your hard disk drive. A failure may be imminent.Press F1 to continue.
im currently running a diagnostic test on the hdd using a dell diagnostic tool.

i started the test about 5mins ago and first test it is suppose to do is a read test.

current test progress 0% :(

not looking good:


Error message pops up:

Error Code 0F00:1332
Msg: DISK = Block 2099920: Interupt Request{IRG} did not set in time

The given error code and message can be used by Techincal support to help diagnose the problem.

Do you want to continue testing?

Yes No Retry

NOT GOOD!! :@ :( ****
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