Windows 8 relieved (video)

7 May 2004
What I like the most about it is the touch and tiles don't seem to be just bolted on and it all works together. I just hope that it will run great on low end hardware which it should do considering its being built for ARM too
7 May 2004
the touch side of thngs will be great for tablets and ipad type devices but for desktops pc i think it wont be useful. most desktop wont have access to a touchscreen and i can see using a mouse and keyboard with that interface becoming annoying. On a personal note i want a pc to be a pc not a rip off of a mobile phone OS just because it works on a phone doesnt mean it'll work on a pc. but hey maybe i'm wrong and people will love it.

If it integrates facebook and twitter it will sell billions :D lol
7 May 2004
From a industry point of view this will be a complete failure. I can't see any of my customers touching this with a barge pole. It looks like change for change sake. The Windows 7 desktop should be the primary system with this Phone type OS secondary, like media center.

Big fail!

who is to say that there wont be a business edition without all the touch screen stuff?

At the end of the day we don't know a lot about windows 8 and this was just them showing off the touch features.
If it can run on low end ARM ect then maybe this could be the OS which finally replaces XP for the business sector
7 May 2004
whats more interesting is that MS are moving to a more often release schedule like apple
expect new windows every 2-2.5 years I'd say now.

the only reason there was such a long time between Vista and XP was the fact that halfway through doing Vista or longhorn as it was known then they decided to pretty much scrap everything and start all over again.

As a few people have pointed out what was shown is only one part of the OS. Everyone else is saying the whole OS is going to be bloated but look at the fact that its running on low speed ARM processors just imagine how fast its going to run on a mid to top of the range gaming system.

I read a few months ago on winsupersite that Microsoft were aiming to design the OS so its more (cant think of the word) basically you would tailor make the whole OS to suit your needs. If you don't need media centre and all this new UI then you can choose at install not to have it.

I'm looking forward to it. It will provide me a great UI and user experience on my laptop/tablet and hopefully provide me with a powerful secure OS for my main PC.

Lets wait and see before we start to slam it. Yes we all have our opinions and I can see why people don't like the whole tiles thing but it doesn't reflect the whole OS and is only one part of it
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