Windows 98 updates

13 Jan 2005

Is there any way to create a CD that will update a straight out of the box Windows 98 install with all the relevant patches etc?

I've got a really old box thats too rubbish to upgrade the OS, yet i need to make sure its secure (or as secure as possible....)

Any thoughts? As I say, changing the OS is NOT an option....
No CD unless your a subcriber to Microsoft Partner, Even they have stopped doing the discs now.

Best thing to do would be to install a firewall, such as Zone Alarm, then do all of the windows updates online if you can. If not you can get such things a Internet Explorer on most download Sites.

Then head over to Softpedia to get the Unofficial Windows 98 Service Pack.

Windows 98 Unofficial Service Pack
I installed a few Win98 machines from scratch recently. I have a LAN here with a linux box and squid proxy, I configured it to cache the updates as the first box downloaded them from Microsoft update, and then the following boxes got the data over the LAN rather than the internet.

You can download all the Win98 updates from the update site (i can't remember the link) but as far as I could tell once you've downloaded them there is no indication which order or even which ones you need to install.

Best just use windows update, and then image the drive straight after so you don't need to do it again. I did an image before i installed any drivers etc, then again after, just in case. I used Acronis Trueimage 9. It supports reexpanding back to a bigger disk aswell.
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