Windows as a NAS question

28 Jan 2015
I’m being asked by a relative if this is possible:
Home office with 1xpc, 1x Mac mini constant use daily.
Could a separate small Windows based pc be used as an effective NAS for both
Only needing to share files and media files between the work pc and Mac mini.
Not needing to back up any files- could expand the HDD in the pc NAS to a single large unit? Or more likely would keep 4 separate drives dedicated to one thing- music, TV shows, Movies and “work” files.
I have looked at Unraid and that but this way means that I wouldn’t have to setup or format anything- just add the drives and move the files across
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I wouldn’t have a drive big enough to use a single drive so would need to use multiple ones- size ranges from 2ishTB for work files, 8TBish for Music files, much the same for Movies and maybe double for TV shows- fer too much I know
My office pc is also not really large enough to fit in 3.5 drives and have a node 804 sitting around doing nowt so will use that to house the drives/ can fit 8x 3.5 drives plus a couple of SSD and NVME that are lying free.
All these files are held fully backed up on a separate Synology NAS at my work office location so I can’t/won’t lose anything apart from the time aspect which is not a problem
I’m away on holidays currently and will ponder it a bit more
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