windows boot weirdness - assistance plz

18 Oct 2002
Portreath ->Beautiful Cornwall
POST / boot OS load weirdness


I have an old xp1700 on iwill kk266-r mobo that has been happily used with a stable w2k install for years (4 i think)
updated windows and deleted sum old guff from the hdd and its started behaving v strangely

It posts - every time
only when the power cable has been pulled from the psu (for at least an hour) will it continue from post to load windows. When this windows load has begun it's fine - it will run any app' browse web etc.

on a windows restart or a manual reset or on with power switch from normal shutdown it stops after the post screen, and just has a cursor flashing in the top left hand corner of the blank screen.

I'm a little stumped :confused:

any suggestions for what has possessed this wee box please :)


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