Windows consistency check

21 Oct 2002
Wellington, NZ
Is this a bad thing? Just swapped my CPU cooler, booted up and was greeted by a Windows Consistency Check:eek:

Seems fine now but there must be a reason why it did it?
I get the feeling that m@soft are testing out features for their new OS vista, and there are apparently more security checks for pirated software maybe they are testing the ground bit by bit with windows xp. So you download an update, and another bit of their programming is tested:) just my theroy :)
Tim said:
It didn't say anything about scandisk and its always shut down properly.
I'm not sure what it was then. Did you see what it was doing?

uknorthboy said:
I get the feeling that m@soft are testing out features for their new OS vista, and there are apparently more security checks for pirated software maybe they are testing the ground bit by bit with windows xp. So you download an update, and another bit of their programming is tested just my theroy
They aren't testing out features for Vista.
Vista doesn't do anything to prevent software piracy.
Terrible theory.

I do think that some of the latest update's have changed the way activation works , reading lots of posts that simple changing one setting in the bios is provocking reactivation

this has happened to me with no hw changes since the first activation
uknorthboy said:
I get the feeling that m@soft are testing out features for their new OS vista, and there are apparently more security checks for pirated software maybe they are testing the ground bit by bit with windows xp. So you download an update, and another bit of their programming is tested:) just my theroy :)

Everyones allowed a theory! I particularly like the theory that the chuckle brothers are actually father and son as opposed to brothers (unfortunately not true) or that in Germany they pronounce Hasselhof Jasselhoff (also untrue).... Although they do both rank alongside the XP testing Vista theory ;)
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