Windows dosen't show my 2nd hard drive

23 Oct 2003
I have just reformatted my PC and backed up a load of stuff onto an extra hard drive. I have just plugged it back in but it dosen't show up in My Computer. However, it does show up in the Device Manager. The only differenece I can see between all the tabs and properties between the hard drive that is recognised and the one that isn't is that under the Volumes tab the Unallocated space is the same as the Capacity for the one that isn't recognised and that it has no Volumes either (ie. no D:). This smacks me as XP see's the disk as unpartitioned.

I tried an old spare one that isn't formatted and that works fine, so any idea on what the problem is here? Whatever happens I need the data so any help of getting it to work correctly or just retreiving it would be helpful... All of the drives are SATA / SATA II, running Win XP Pro.
Did the disk that you installed XP from have any service packs installed? Also, what is the size of the hard drive(s)?

XP had a problem with dealing with unallocated space on large drives when using non service pack slipstreamed disks (I had a similar problem with my old PC).

If you have a SP1 or SP2 disk, try booting with the CD again and seeing if you can format the other partitions during setup.

Note, I may be barking up the entirely wrong tree here...
I slipstreamed my copy of XP with SP2 so it installs it along with XP with fresh installs.

The size of the drive with the backup is 120Gb, the other one I tried was a 250Gb and the one I have windows on is a 80Gb.

Wouldn't formatting that drive erase the data on it?
Yes formatting would erase it. Not that useful...oops. Must read more carefully...

Do you know what file system the drive is? And do you have another machine to test and see if the drive is recognised?
I don't have the options of computer management > disk management - the closes thing I can find to that is the System > Hardware > Device Manager > Disk Drives option that I have already looked at...

These are what I get when I look at Disk Drives and populate the Volumes tab

The first is the drive I am trying to access, the second (Samsung) is my windows and the other Maxtor is the one that needs to be formatted before I can use (apparently)

control panel -> administrative tools -> computer management -> disk management

check if it is mounted; if it is then you should be able to assign it a drive letter.
OK, just checked, and below is what I saw. It's there, but the space is unallocated and no drive letter can be assigned. When right-clicking I get the options to create a new partition. It's Disk 2 on the picture.

Is it about time I look into recovering whats on the HDD as oppose to trying to get it to work / realise it has stuff on it? If it is that time, anyone got any suggestions on how to do that?
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