Windows Home Server: NTLDR is corrupt

24 Apr 2006
SE England
Not sure what happened today I got home to find my WHS had crashed.

Tried a manual restart and now I am getting 'NTLDR is currupt' message on boot up.

Any ideas how I can fix this?

Many many thanks
Not sure if I should trust it? I know WHS is built on Server 2003.. but I feel slightly worried using an automatic repair feature that isn't supposed to be for WHS..
I'm not having a very good Friday evening. :(

Tried Windows Server 2003 CD and it causes the system to restart right before the options of 'do I want to install Server 2003' or 'run recovery' etc..
I can't believe this! Shortly before this problem occurred I installed some new RAM.

I just swapped back the original RAM and behold the server boots fine! It was the new RAM which was faulty causing this error.

I would never of guessed in a million years that a RAM fault would throw up such a hard drive related error.

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