Windows Live + Msn 7.5

4 Jul 2005
There are 3 users on this computer I'm using, but I am the only one who can use the Windows live messenger.

The other two haven't been invited so they can't use it, they can only sign in on regular msn 7.5.

So I thought I would install both msn 7.5 and the new beta.........can't do it. :(

Anyway I can get round this?

I would send them invites but I've sent them to others already. :(
Sorry to thread hiijack, but how do you actually get invites? Someone from here sent me an invite which I now use but I can't find a way to send invites to anybody else :(
Trigger said:
Sorry to thread hiijack, but how do you actually get invites? Someone from here sent me an invite which I now use but I can't find a way to send invites to anybody else :(

You can just sign up.
Just went to sign up, but for reason the download link they offer you after you sign was just text. I was using Firefox, so i tried it with Opera. Still didn't work. Reluctantly, i tried it with IE ... and what'd you know, it works.

Thanks for the link Pine :) Got another question for you MSN experts out there and instead of starting an new thread, i thought i'd ask in here (hope you don't mind drunknmunky) I've got a friend who keeps getting pestered by this one person on MSN, the basic thing is it's getting out of hand and he keeps creating new account to try and talk to her, each of which she keeps blocking. I'm fairly sure I remember seeing a way of reporting this person to Microsoft because it seriously isn't fair and is harassment in my book. Now I couldn't remember how to do this and wondered if you guys had any ideas please? A link to the form to report them would be great if it exists...


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