Windows Media centre - how to get it to open in another screen

1 Jul 2003
There's a voice that keeps on calling me.
Not sure if i have the right sub forum here or not, but im in the process of getting windows media centre setup on my HTPC, i have a projector and a std tft, and i would like windows media centre to open up on the projector as full screen, i have an NVIDIA 6600 gt with dual dvi, currently its in clone mode, and all i see MC on both screens but it seems not to show the full image on the projector, it scrolls, the projector is setup as a 1280*720 (hdtv res) device.

Is it a windows issue or more the hardware? can anyone shed any light?

If i open windows media player, it does play full screen on the projector (ie no scrolling) but it doesnt do the same within media centre :(

Any advice appreciated
Hi Tinders,

You could try setting the projector as the secondary display, so have the TFT as display 1 and the projector as display 2.

Open MCE, and then put it into window mode. Drag it over to the projector screen and then maximise.

When you next open media centre, it'll open on the projector. With regards to the res, this may solve the problem, or you need to tweek the display settings a little.

Media Center will always try to override any dual/clone display settings and open up on the primary display. Your best option is to set up a display profile that first sets your projector as the single display and then launches Media Center - you will not be able to use the TFT at the same time.
chrismox said:
Media Center will always try to override any dual/clone display settings and open up on the primary display. Your best option is to set up a display profile that first sets your projector as the single display and then launches Media Center - you will not be able to use the TFT at the same time.

I don't know about anyone else, but before I moved into my own house, I was using MCE on a dual screen setup, the MCE running in full screen on a secondary display without any problems at all. True, you couldnt use both at the same time unless you put it into Window mode, but then I didn't want to use both at the same time. That way I could use the PC for gaming / surfing on the TFT and the MCE on the LCD TV.

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