Windows Media Player CPU Usage

2 May 2004

Is the Windows Media Player 10 CPU usage meant to be 50%? That's ridiculous for a music player.

I could use Foobar or Winamp, but I want to use WMP10 as it has support for the media functions on my keyboard without having to install any drivers.

Any ideas, if it's not meant to take so much, how to stop it?

Would have thought a music player would only take something like 5%. (2% or < w/o pretty patterns)

I have an Intel 530 3.0GHZ 1MB L2

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MAke sure you have the pretty patterns turned off - if you are looking at the media libary etc it will still use the same amount of cpu as if you was watching the patterns
Greeny132 said:
MAke sure you have the pretty patterns turned off - if you are looking at the media libary etc it will still use the same amount of cpu as if you was watching the patterns

Hmm, okay, hopefully turning the patterns off will help.

I've had similar problems. It doesn't seem to have a huge amount of CPU usage but when I'm doing something else processor intensive it plays fine but takes ages to skip to the next song (when it's on shuffle anyway, haven't tested it playing through in order).

If anyone else has problem with media keys in winamp is most likely the keys have been turned off in the preferences, Look for a plugin called universal shortcuts or something like that in the misc plugin sector. and enable it. Then you can configure all controls e.g. play, stop to any key you want even the media keys on the keyboard(works on my logictech media keyboard).
I think that's a plugin you have to manually install, doesn't come with Winamp.
I did have it before, but forgot what it was.

Media Player's fine now though ;)

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