Windows not shutting down

21 Mar 2004
When I try to shut down my PC, it gets to the message "Windows Is Shutting Down" and then freezes.
Does anyone have any idea why this could be?
Have you used anything in a USB port recently ??. Mine wouldn't close down after I installed a USB Pen Pad [drawing tablet thingy ?!] and just froze.I unplugged it & stopped using it and Windows closes down properly.
No new devices installed. I think I'm going to have to do a fresh install of XP!!

I've got a new 160GB SATA HD to install.

If I install this and make it the boot up device in the BIOS Settings can I leave my existing HD installed with its OS, install XP on the new drive then access the old drive to copy all my documents and photos onto the new drive with the freshly installed XP?
Just looked at my mobo (P4P 800 Deluxe). If I do the above should I move the existing SATA drive onto the SATA 2 socket on the mobo and plug the new drive into the SATA 1 socket?
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