Windows or Linux?

Flame on!

Neither is flat out better. Which is better for a given individual or task, is dependent on that task or individual.
It is, but its not for everyone.

I would say get a live DVD or USB and give it ago before deleting windows or farting about with a dual boot.
Also there are lots of different flavours ( Versions) of Linux , so have a look about and do some googleing about

there used to be an installer called Wubi whereby you could install and Un-install Linux as you would any other program ...But i think it was only for Ubuntu and Linux Mint far as I recall
In my opinion, Linux is easily better for most users who use their computer for just browsing, word processing, listening to music, watching videos - stuff like that. When you get into more serious gaming or need some specialist software then it gets more complicated. What a lot of gamers do is dual boot both.

If you're interested then i'd recommend giving Linux Mint a go, great for beginners:
I personally use both...Windows for photoshop & sometimes gaming, and Linux for web coding etc. I've always found Linux (Gentoo with Gnome 3) to be more reliable, but saying that I've been fairly impressed with Windows 8 so far. It's much faster than other Windows...not too keen on how the settings are all hidden though and even finding the shut down button was a mission
I made the switch, mainly to stop myself gaming before exams.

Happy I did in a way, however I miss some of the applications I used on Windows.

What applications? So many of them either have alternatives which are as good as or better, or can be ran in WINE.
There are three versions in the gold/silver list in WINEs AppDB - CS4 is supported pretty well, I use GIMP in the rare case I ever need to do any image manipulation, it's a pretty powerful product.

I would try Photoshop in WINE unless you fancy trying out GIMP.
If Linux Supported all the games I play (Hoping One Day That Happens) I would make the switch right away.
Its the games and support that is keeping me with Windows. Linux just needs the support from Game/software Devs and I think it deserves it.
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