Windows Repair, What does it actually do?

29 Aug 2005
Reppin' up North London
as title really.
My computer acts quite strange lately and I don't really want to format. Will a repair delete my installed programs and games?
Will I have to reinstall anything except drivers?

Ok thanks, so would I need to reinstall programs or would it just reset the windows files?

Repairing windows and when it gets to the second stage, (when it has a mouse) it gets stuck at 34mins left and wont go farther.
I restarted and got stuck at the same place, been like this for about 10 mins.
What should I do?



Edit - Also stops reading CD and HDD. Please help got a faulty computer now :mad:
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Ok this is serious.
Ive tried two different CDs and both do not pass 34minutes ?!?!?

What the hell is up?
Can I go back to the setup I had before?
Am I doing something wrong?
There is no activity at all...
Thanks in advance

SiriusB said:
Okay first question: Did you backup everything before you started the repair?Nope, didn't think I had to.
Second question: In what way was Windows being weird prior to your repair? CPUz always said it had already been run. Plus some stuff stopped working, applications like CPUz

The cause for the weirdness may be linked to why you're having a problem with the repair.

Without knowing more I would hazard either a HDD or RAM problem.

Also would Overclocking do this?
I may drop the clocks first and see what happens.

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Under clocking and reseting BIOS does nout, please help :(


Now it needs the file idecoi.dll, cant find it on the disc.
Can someone direct me to a copy?

Edit again - Found idecoi.dll on the HDD but it still doesnt pass that stage.
Any way to revert the actions i took?

Triple EDIT - It seems to be doing something but its going mega slow, just asked if I wanted to install my Graphics card, will keep posting updates whether you likeit or not :D

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Ok thanks people.
On the web it syas its trying ot intsall faulty driver it has stored on the Hard Drive.
Does anyone know where they are?

Ok cool,
Ive decided to install X64 on the second partition and get all my files on there, but I changed the boot order of the OS's and now when I click X64 edition when it asks me which OS I want, it boots up the faulty XP install :confused:

I may have screwed over that file so does anyone know where I can get it?

I cant even write a new intsall on it, doesnt see that partition.


Is their any way I can edit this file in Command prompt?

I found where it is, straight on the C:\
But I cant plug it into another comp since its SATA.

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