Windows Server 2012 standard what cool stuff can i learn?

9 Dec 2006
Hi all,

i have windows server 2012 on my spare pc now:
i7 940 12GB

currently set it up as a NAS server, but wanted to learn to do a bit more with it.

So would like to do the following:
Create a Firewall/AV server [so that all traffic is checked even before entering any pc]
Create a DHCP Server

issues is:
1. i can see how you setup a dhcp server. on ethernet it would make sense but how do you go about it for wireless. the wireless device just connects automatically to the router so how would it know to check for a dhcp server?

2. how would i go about using windows server 2012 as firewall/av?

anything else cool i could learn?
With DHCP just turn it off on your router, you then create a new scope and this is where you assign default gateway and DNS. You can have DNS setup on the server or the router but it's best to have it on the server so that you can amend records etc etc. Being wireless won't make a different, devices scan for DHCP servers. If windows detects an existing DHCP server is running it will stop it's service.

As for the firewall/Av scanning I'm not sure what software is out there for this other than Microsoft Forefront TMG as I haven't used anything other than this.
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