Windows SIM (System Image Manager) x64

7 Aug 2012
Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone else had come into the issue i'm having with Windows SIM.

I'm currently running Windows 7 x64 Pro with the ADK version 8 and trying to work with Windows Server 2012 R2 x64.

The version of Server 2012 doesn't come with the catalog files so when I try and open the image Windows SIM asks if I want to create them, to which I say yes. I then get an error saying that x64 Windows installation can only create x64 catalog files which is what I'm trying to do.

Anyone have any ideas?

I'm about to try installing everything on an x86 machine as from reading around x86 can do all types of files, however just gets a bit messy having files on several PC's.


You might need ADK 8.1 for Server 2012 R2

Failing that upgrade to ADK 10.

If that also doesn't work put your own unattend.xml file together from working files.

How will you deploy the OS? MDT and SCCM will create their own unattend.xml files. Edit these in notepad and add in your customs settings. Don't use the edit button in MDT as that will also try to create a catalog and take forever.

Edit: I read somewhere the computer OS should match the ADK version. So in your case run ADK 8.1 on Windows 8.1 or above. I haven't used WSIM since WAIK for W7 so not sure if that ever was true.
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