Windows Sound

28 Jun 2020
Hi All,

I have a Windows 10 PC bought ready made from OC in December.
Video and Audio connected to an AV amp via a single HDMI cable. Video is fine.

Sound has been fine, but last night I tried using 'sleep' as the shutdown method for the first time and on starting up this morning I have no sound.

I have re-installed audio and video drivers from NVidia.
I can see the output device channel has signal when I test it as the green activity bar goes up and down to indicate the presence of sound.
Nothing is on mute. Other devices play through the AV box fine.
Troubleshooter just changes the speaker setup from 7.1 to stereo (no difference).

I have disabled, re-enabled and re-installed everything I can think of, tried a working restore point, plugged and unplugged cables etc but no joy.

Does anyone have any suggestions to try that aren't straight out of the first few pages of "Windows 10 sound problems" Google search results?

Not sure wheher it's relevant, but I had a system crash a couple of times recently watching Amazon Prime on Chrome. I installed Firefox and then didn't have any issues (until using Sleep and restarting).
OK. You can close this thread.
Somehow my HDMI4 in on the AV box had got problems with the sound (no idea why).
Changing the PC to another port on the AV has got it working again.
AV amp is 12 years old, one of the first to decode bluray audio, I'm trying to hold off getting a new amp and TV for Atmos, UHD and 4k for as long as possible, so I hope this isn't a sign of my amp being on its last legs.
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