Windows XP Installed on Wrong Drive letter!

20 Feb 2006
I've recently Re-installed Windows XP home Edition but the following has happened.

Windows was installed on my only 120Gb SATA drive, I also had 2 IDE hard disks attached to my motherboard. Both sharing one IDE Slot.

The other IDE slot was occupied by 2 drives 1x dvd 1 cddrive.

But when I first logged onto windows after the fresh Install, to my puzzlement Windows XP was given the Drive Letter D: while one of my IDE backup drives was given the primary C: Letter.

This is a nightmare,as anything I go to install is C: path by defualt. I know this can be altered before install but what a fart about that would be during lots of installs.

My question is

How can I change Windows XP to the normal C: letter local drive?. I thought about disconnecting the 2 IDE's while doing this but What to actually do after that I'm at a loss.

Please can anybody help, I really dont want to re-install windows XP again!. :(

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