Windows XP urgent question

13 Jan 2004
My woman called me, saying how she finds computers despicable.
She is on a business trip and her laptop wont allow her to login.

She could login when she was the office and connected to the LAN.
Is it possible XP pro would not allow you to login once you're mobile?
Could the IT admin have applied such settings?

(I agree, she should just call the IT department. However, they are ***** who don't give a **** and probably dont know much)

is there a possible solution or is she stuck with a laptop which won't let her login at all?
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
WOMEN. she had caps lock enabled. WOMEN.
Pretty funny considering XP pops up a warning message when you're trying to log in with Caps Lock enabled :D
For the record, it is possible for admins to disable logons without DC authentication, but it's not the default, and certainly not recommended without just cause.
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