
30 Apr 2003
Windsurfing (now 56k unfriendly)

Out and about with my new D50 yesterday, I found this guy out all alone.

One of my first photos with my new camera so go easy ;)

The only colour yesterday came from the sail, so I converted it to monochrome and coloured the sail back in, not really much of a difference compared to the next one though.




All images were with Nikkor 55-200 zoom.
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I really like these, very nice colouring :D

Not really what you were after an opinion on, but I really like the way you've but key EXIF details on the side of the frame. nifty.

What lens? :)
first one does it for me with the tanker in the background facing the same way as the surfer

I wasn't really concentrating too much on the tanker tbh, more trying to get the windsurfer as it was blowing a gale and my hands were freezing :) It was only once I got home and started looking through them that I realised it worked quite well.

All images were taken by a Nikkor 55-200 zoom and were cropped (some more than others)
borders are naff sorry :(

and the colours are too vibrant to me id adjust to a lower saturation as they just stick out too much where i think they would blend better if not so bright! (could be my image calibration however!)
Phoenix_Cosmos said:
They all do it for me. The first has the edge with the ship mysty in the background. Its something nice to set horizon from sky. Its good to see you used your noodle when composing this shot to utlilise the ship

Thumbs up :)

what he said!

Great shots... espesh 1 and 2
Nice shots - like #1 - kinda says perspective to me (as it size perspective; 1 man and a pice of sail compaed to many thousand tonnes of steel)

Thanks for all the kind words :)

Still really trying to get used to the camera after years with a compact.
I think the second is the strongest shot on show here - good composition and full of movement. Unfortunately I really dislike selective colouring of photos, so for me it's lost all the impact that a full-colour version would have.

I think it needs a slight crop at the bottom to remove the breaking wave - the contrast of light/dark/light (wave/water/border) is drawing my eye down to the bottom of the frame, away from the action. I think you could lose an inch from the bottom and the right of the frame and tighten the shot up no end.

I've also got a funny feeling that having the tip of the sail come over the border will create some depth to the shot, but I'm not sure if it would actually work - might look silly.

All in all some very good work. I'm just not a fan of the processing technique used.
The only shot with the selective colouring is the first one. It really was that grey and dull yesterday when I shot these :)

I think it needs a slight crop at the bottom to remove the breaking wave - the contrast of light/dark/light (wave/water/border) is drawing my eye down to the bottom of the frame, away from the action. I think you could lose an inch from the bottom and the right of the frame and tighten the shot up no end.

A very interesting observation, thanks. I think I might have a play with that and see if it looks any better.
love the first and second. they really give an impression of the conditions, i know i wouldnt want to be in that water.

the third imo, is ruined by the pier in the background though.
Windsurfing (now 56k unfriendly)

Recropped number 2 photo. Do you think this is better?


Another one from yesterday...

Strax said:
The only shot with the selective colouring is the first one. It really was that grey and dull yesterday when I shot these :)
Ahh, now you come to mention it I can see what you mean. Have you adjusted the saturation of the colours on the windsurfer though? They seem a little vibrant.

As for the crop, right idea but a little over-enthusiastic. I meant something more like this:


That's really quite awful though - I'm sure you can do a hell of a lot better!
D'Oh! I thought you meant crop it to the right and make it portrait instead of landscape. That is a good idea to have the tip of the sailboard coming out into the border though.

I have increased the saturation on the figure and board. It looks OK on my monitor, but I don't know if it's too much.

All good ideas and feedback though. A good learning experience.
Strax said:
D'Oh! I thought you meant crop it to the right and make it portrait instead of landscape. That is a good idea to have the tip of the sailboard coming out into the border though.

I have increased the saturation on the figure and board. It looks OK on my monitor, but I don't know if it's too much.

All good ideas and feedback though. A good learning experience.

like i said i thought it was too much but only because the background is very dull. in my opinion because he is obviously the central point of the photo you eyes are drawn to him anyway hence not such brightness is required. if it was a picture with lots of subject matter then it would be good to saturate/make brighter the particular subject.

i hope im making sense :confused:
Yes, you are making sense. I don't think I increased the saturation that much though. I'll have to go back to the raw images to check.
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