WineHQ Hacked

25 Sep 2009
I received this email at 20:31 - heads up to all WineHQ users:

WineHQ email said:
We are sorry to report that recently our login database for the
WineHQ Application Database was compromised. We know that the entire
contents of the login database was stolen by hackers. The password
was encrypted, but with enough effort and depending on the quality
of your old password, it could be cracked.

We have closed the hole in our system that allowed read access to
our database tables.

To prevent further damage we have reset your password to what is shown
below. We strongly suggest that if you shared your AppDB password on
any other sites that you change that password as soon as possible.

For more detailed information about this hacking, please read about
it at this link:

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

-WineHQ Staff

Just spend the last 30 mins changing a lot of passwords, better safe than sorry. :)
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