I've just built my new system, it has a Samsung F1 320gb hdd and im using winxp. When I went to install xp (sp1) it only listed the hdd as having about 120gb.. where's the other 200gb gone?? I created 2 partions (one for 110gb and one for 10gb) and hoped that once I'd updated to sp3 the missing 200gb would appear, but no luck!
Do I need to update the bios?
I've just built my new system, it has a Samsung F1 320gb hdd and im using winxp. When I went to install xp (sp1) it only listed the hdd as having about 120gb.. where's the other 200gb gone?? I created 2 partions (one for 110gb and one for 10gb) and hoped that once I'd updated to sp3 the missing 200gb would appear, but no luck!
Do I need to update the bios?