Wired network essential??

30 Dec 2003
Bigger box!
Because I know many won't read the below if they see a wall of text, I'll ask first and explain later...

For playing games (fast twitch stuff, SSFIV and probably FPS on a console), is it absolutely essential to have a wired network, or in 2014 is it possible to be competitive on a wireless network?

So, I'm in a new place. It's a new build so in pristine condition and because I want to keep it that way for as long as possible I'm looking for the best solution.

I currently have the PC downstairs on a crappy table with a wire trailing across the floor linking it to the router.
This was just a temporary thing when I moved just to get things up and running.

I'm finally able to afford the furniture I want so things are being moved around to where they'll stay and I obviously don't want wires trailing around the house.

I've been considering getting a wired network installed in the house but I can't find anyone able to do it and I assume if I do it'll be expensive.
Cost isn't a problem if it's essential but it does mean it won't get done any time soon.

The PC and PS3 will be moved upstairs, but really will only be around 2~3 meters from the wireless router.
The PS3 will be replaced downstairs with a PS4.

I'm currently quite into SFIV on the PC and I'm sure that there'll be something on the PS4 I'll get into and while I'm in no way a serious gamer, I'd still like to know my failures are my own and not the fault of my network.

Cheers all :)
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