Wireless drop outs on my new MacBook Pro....?

8 Jun 2006
Hi Guys

My router is a Netgear DG834GTv3 I have tried changing the channel but I still seem to get random drop out's?

My other half's Dell D620 (XP) works perfectly so I'm loathed to by a new router although if it cures the issue I suppose I'll have to...

Any other tricks I can try?

All drivers are up to date as far as I can tell (Well on the auto update side of things..)

Thanks in advance.. ;)
Could have a play with the angle you have your screen at, might help with wireless reception.

haha! I wouldn't see that making much change really... no offense but if that is the answer this thing is going back or going on sale...

May borrow an 'N' series router from a mate and see how that performs...
It has nothing to do with the hardware.

Have you updated the router firmware? Apple messed up the wireless software quite a while back and have never got round to sorting it properly. Now it seems to be overly fussy.

Well I'm on 3rd party firmware at the moment which has always given faster sync speeds and stable wireless, reluctant to put the latest standard netgear firmware back on, but I'm happy to try it..
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