Hi all, does anyone know if HDMI senders are any good these days?
Was thinking of purchasing one so that I can hide a sky box and Nintendo switch in the cupboard to the left. Current setup is below and trying to utilise as much space as possible in the lounge, as due to the door on the right being at a kind of angle, it doesn't sit too well with a stand or even a shelf coming out the wall (tested a few but sent back). The cupboard doesn't have any power in it, but as another option would it be easy enough to get a socket in there? Any recommendations or ideas would be much appreciated.
Was thinking of purchasing one so that I can hide a sky box and Nintendo switch in the cupboard to the left. Current setup is below and trying to utilise as much space as possible in the lounge, as due to the door on the right being at a kind of angle, it doesn't sit too well with a stand or even a shelf coming out the wall (tested a few but sent back). The cupboard doesn't have any power in it, but as another option would it be easy enough to get a socket in there? Any recommendations or ideas would be much appreciated.