wireless media player

18 Aug 2004

im looking for a wireless media player, that i can hook up to my tv in the living room and play stuff off it from my computer

my tutor at college told me about them, when he got his....

just dont know which are the good ones and what prices are too much etc..
also where to buy (email if not allowed to say on here :) )

doesnt have to be wireless... could have cable from pc to it, but prefer it to be wireless (how much price difference is between wired and wireless)

thanks nickels
sorry if in wrong forum
Problem with wireless at the moment is that it's very slow and tempremental. Unless you go for something like an HTPC, and store files on it, the stream quality isn't going to be that great.
Not sure if I know what you are looking for, but do you mean something like the Pinnacle Showcenter??

edit: If you don't need wireless the Packard Bell Medi@ can be picked up for around £50
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nickels said:
nah was looking for video play back aswell :( thanks though

Well for about 3 years I've been using an XBOX with Slayers Evox installed and I can stream all the data I want from my PC's hard drive over the network.
Works a treat.
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